Wednesday, 7 August 2013


That is because most people go for what they want instead of what they NEED!

Permit me to share what one of my Internet Marketing Instructor shared with us:

Sell What People ‘want’ To Buy and Not What They ‘NEED’ To Buy.
“…there is a massive difference between what people want to buy and what people
NEED to buy even though they sound similar.

…let’s assume you sell information materials with 1,000 copies each of two titles:
1. How to pass JAMB
2. How to relocate to the USA

…if you have a teenage son you love so dearly, what will be your advice him at that stage of his life? I’m sure you will advise him to pass JAMB and head to a University. Good!

If you ask 100 teenagers to choose out of the two options: go to the university or travel to the USA, which one do you think most of them will opt for? Your answer is as good as mine. They NEED to go to school but they want to travel abroad.

Let me ask you, which one will succeed faster out of these…
Bottled water company or a beer company?
A food canteen or a football viewing center?
A motivational book/magazine or a football book/magazine?

Gosh! I once saw a hungry looking boy (about 13 years old) pay N50 to enter a football viewing centre. That boy NEEDED food, but he want to watch Chelsea.

I gave up my websites on motivation, business, self development etc to concentrate on gaming, travel, sports, entertainment, romance and sex. Why? They sell!
Akin Alabi
AKA Otunba Internet Marketing Guru.
Truly, like marketing people say, sex sells!
‘…if most people were to have a one on one chat with GOD ALMIGHTY to present why they were unable to succeed in life; God would knock them on their head with words like;

‘…get away from me you shameful disgraceful fellow, I gave you everything you NEED to become highly productive and successful but you went after what you want and here complaining I couldn’t do this or that because I was born in Nigeria, Niger, Ghana, Somalia…I dint go to school, the economy was bad…” 

Friends, I speak to you youths, we’ve got no reason whatsoever to be unproductive; do what my friend Tu-Face calls ‘shady deals’ or waste our precious time in crises or whatever. …all of this is nothing but a decoy for you to destroy yourself by yourself with your own hands.”

Success is your birthright if you know the law of life; it’s in you and not in external forces or factors as we have been programmed to believe!

All we are asked to do from Adam is, develop ourselves by reading and associate with productive and progressive minds; if you know and play by the rule of the game, you must emerge!        

Having come to know the truth, what are you supposed to do? The Dakota Proverb says “When you discover you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.” 

It’s true that most people buy and go for what is pleasing to the eyes and ears, that simply explains why only the very few who took time out to learn and practice the laws of life succeed, leaving most people with the feeling and believe that, one must be restive, do crime or cult to succeed.

Let’s at this juncture analyze the alleged ways to success;
What is the definition of being wealthy? We totally consent to Robert Kiyosaki definition, he said “money should not be the determining factor to what you aspire and achieve in life; your ability to aspire and achieve what you want even when broke is the indicator that you have conquered the addictive power of money.”

That cannot be easy for the easygoing; restiveness/restlessness and ruggedness is a plus quality for highly productive and successful people.

Just like a gas cylinder; restiveness has the capacity to propel you to greatness if channeled appropriately and to destruction when abused. Be positively restless and rugged!

No man succeeds on a platter of gold- the most productive and successful people fought, even when they were perceived as being silent, and that is what makes their success power even more enthralling.

There are two ways to fight and the tested and proven best way is not with weapons as most people think, but with staying success power. It takes restiveness to stay put when you should unleash the dragon.

The best fight philosophy is when you endure the heat/pain and yet in control, charting paths to breakthrough, instead of accepting the decoy to destroy yourself by yourself by doing or saying self destructive things that would later become reality in your life or regret.
The best case study to prove this theory is Apple Legend- Steve Job; he was fired from the company he floated but never fought back as expected.

Rather, he stayed put, yet restive and rugged doing what he should be doing and was recalled in due time. The records of the transformation he made possible in Apple are in the sand of times for your consideration. 

To be highly productive and successful, you must be positively restive and rugged!

The common idea to most people, youths especially is that, “there is no success without crime.” Perfectly right! But what kind of crime?

The negative criminals use arms or forcefully take what belongs to you. 
The positive criminals use idea, products or service to stylishly take what belongs to you- you pay smiling; both of them are criminals; one ruthless and the latter friendly.
That is practically why people package, advertise and sell several life defaming products/entertainment that appeals to man’s fleshly desires or roll out life enhancing services/inventions by the seconds, branding them as 2009, 2010, 2013, 2015 model…, can’t you see it?
Success is like a T-junction- you decide which way to drive with the same doggedness and resourcefulness; left lane has death traps, ill-gotten success, imprisonment and death, while the right lane has good success, challenges and failure.

The good side of the right lane is that, you can honourably and creatively start all over again. These conjure why most successful people work on feedbacks several times before success that knows no limit smile their way- you can make it!

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